About me

Hello! I’m Gabriel Prat Masramon, the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Docplanner, a leading digital healthcare platform dedicated to connecting patients with healthcare professionals. I’m passionate about leveraging technology to improve healthcare accessibility and quality, and I’m thrilled to be part of a team that shares this vision.

Apart from my role at Docplanner, I also venture into entrepreneurial realms as a founder at Ommnio, Hoshinplan, and Promoter Ninja. These ventures allow me to explore innovative solutions and engage with different aspects of the tech industry.

Previously, I had the honor of serving as the CTO & Product Director at InfoJobs, where my team and I drove numerous innovative projects.

My academic journey led me to pursue a PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), which I successfully completed in 2016. My thesis, titled “Towards more reliable feature evaluations for classification,” delved into the fascinating world of machine learning.I have co-authored research papers advancing the understanding of feature selection and weighting algorithms in machine learning. Some of my notable works include “Toward better feature weighting algorithms: a focus on Relief,” “Double Relief with progressive weighting function,” and “Remainder Subset Awareness for Feature Subset Selection.”

Outside of my professional engagements, I enjoy reading insightful books, exploring new ideas, and connecting with individuals who are equally passionate about technology and innovation.I firmly believe in the transformative power of technology, especially artificial intelligence, to drive meaningful change and shape a better future.

Feel free to connect with me to discuss collaborative opportunities, share ideas, or simply enjoy a good conversation over coffee.

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